Turning Point of Tampa
Affordable Addiction Treatment Programs!

Turning Point of Tampa
6227 Sheldon Rd
Tampa FL 33615-3100
Tel: 813 882-3003; 800 397-3006
Fax: 813 885-6974
E-mail: info@rehabisforquitters.com

On the west coast of Florida, and just minutes from the white sandy beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, Turning Point of Tampa offers a quiet, peaceful haven that is ideal for full recovery of the mind, body and spirit. The warm climate allows outdoor activities year round. Our village residences, spread across an open campus, offer the perfect setting to relax and gather one’s thoughts.

Our commitment is to our clients; to help teach each and every one who comes through our doors, to lead a positive and productive lifestyle in recovery. And to prevent unhealthy patterns from re-emerging.

If you or someone you love needs help, pick up the phone and make the call. Don’t miss the opportunity to achieve the turning point in your life.

Our Mission

Letting go of self defeating behaviors and addictions, and creating new life skills, can be difficult. It will take time and effort. Our mission at Turning Point of Tampa is to assist you in reaching this new life every step of the way.

We are committed to providing high quality, 12-step based addiction and eating disorder programs that are affordable and effective. We strive to continually evaluate industry research as well as our own data so we can improve and develop the most effective programs available today.

It is our pledge to value, appreciate and respect the dignity of every client, employee and friend. That, we believe, is how we can help you reach the turning point in your life.
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