Transformations Treatment Center
Christian Drug Treatment | Drug Alcohol Treatment Center
Transformations Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center is a 30 to 90 day substance abuse treatment center that offers private luxury accommodations and is located in Delray Beach, Florida. Christian drug treatment and Life Skills Training are specialities.
Transformations Treatment Center
14000 S Military Trail #204
Delray Beach FL 33484
Tel: 866 238-2171; 561 819-0620
Transformations Treatment Center offers 30 to 90 day three phase step down substance abuse treatment and/or Christian rehabilitation programs. While receiving treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, clients enjoy a private room with a comfortable queen size bed which allows them to experience "a real life therapeutic setting." Each of our programs are specifically designed to help individuals transform from active drug and alcohol abuse to a clean, sober, and successful lifestyle.
* Our all inclusive programs offer clients addiction/alcoholism treatment
* Christian rehabilitation/inner healing
* Executive rehabilitation
* Multiple individual therapy sessions each week
* Effective relapse prevention
* Health and wellness/holistic activities
* One year of free aftercare
* Lifetime Alumni services
In addition to one year of relapse prevention aftercare groups up to three times a week, any client who completes our 90 day three phase step down program but finds themselves struggling to stay clean and sober within the first of year after leaving treatment are welcomed back for 28 days of treatment at no additional cost to the client.
Drug Addiction Statistics
* Studies show an estimated 20 million people are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
* Approximately 135,000 people die each year as a consequence of drugs and alcohol.
We offer a wide variety of therapeutic programs to meet each of our client's needs. Our customized treatment plans ensure that each of our clients are provided with the necessary tools to stay clean and sober, build healthy relationships, find employment, and become completely self-sufficient.
Our three-phase step down program was designed by individuals who have years of experience in the inpatient treatment component and the transitional housing component. After seeing the successes and failures of the two components, Transformations Treatment Center has combined the best of the two components to ensure maximum efficiency.
Drug rehabilitation has proven successful over the years because people who have the disease of addiction and alcoholism truly want to stop using drugs and alcohol. Transformations Treatment Center helps the addict or alcoholic explore why they began using chemicals and why they have not been able to stop using. From that point, we educate the client on how to remain abstinent from all mind or mood altering substances and equip them with the necessary tools to achieve long term sobriety.
