Lakeview Health Systems
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center
Welcome to Lakeview Health Systems, a licensed and accredited drug and alcohol treatment center in Jacksonville, FL. Men and women come here from all over the country to attend our 6-week program, which includes a medical detox, inpatient rehab, a family program, and dual diagnosis care. We specialize in providing highly personalized and comprehensive care using a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating medical, psychiatric, psychosocial, and clinical treatments.
Leaders in Dual Diagnosis Care
Dual diagnosis is the term used when a person suffers from both a drug or alcohol problem and a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. Research shows that 64% of substance abusers entering treatment have a mental health issue as well. This could include depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or a personality disorder.
In dual diagnosis treatment, we identify any psychiatric problems and treat them along with the drug or alcohol addiction. All of our therapists hold master’s level degrees in substance abuse treatment, as well as being certified mental health professionals. We also have a full-time psychiatrist on staff.
A True Multidisciplinary Approach
One of the main differences between Lakeview Health Systems and other treatment centers is that we use a multidisciplinary approach to treating addiction. We draw from a variety of disciplines, with professionals trained and experienced in the clinical, medical, psychiatric, and psychosocial fields.
A Complete, In-House Medical Detox Program
Letting go of whatever drugs or alcohol you have been using can be a scary thought. The last thing we want you to worry about is going through any sort of uncomfortable withdrawal period. All of our patients go through a medical detox where we will, with the use of medication, safely and comfortably clean your body of drugs and alcohol.
We Accept Insurance
We accept many major insurance plans to cover part, or all, of the costs of our program. Our admissions coordinators will handle everything, from determining your benefit eligibility to calculating any co-pay or deductible expenses. To get the ball rolling, simply contact us and have your or your loved one’s insurance information handy.
Someone is Available to Talk to You Right Now
When you make the decision to help yourself or a loved one, it is often due to a “moment of clarity,†and there is no telling how long it will last or if it will ever come again. Take this chance to tell someone you want help before the desire goes away.
We offer a staff of highly trained admissions coordinators to help answer questions, offer advice, and assist with entry to our program. The service is free and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can reach the Addiction Helpline by calling 1-800-884-1727, chatting from your computer, or by submitting our Contact Us form.
Lakeview Health Systems
8889 Corporate Square Ct
Jacksonville FL 32216
Tel: 800 884-1727
