Hyde Park Counseling Center
Woman residential drug and alcohol rehab center, counseling, drub intervention, recovery program
Hyde Park Women Counseling Center, Random drug screens, Educational Lectures, Individual Therapy, Relapse Prevention, One to one Therapy, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Psychological Testing, Assessments, Anger Management
Hyde Park Counseling Center
207 W Verne St
Tampa FL 33606
Tel: 813 258-4605
Fax: 813 258-4705
If you have searched out this page, you had a reason. Most likely, you are here because someone you love, or perhaps yourself, is suffering from a devastating malady that has you trapped. That suffering may be combined with substance abuse, eating disorder, depression, and more. You are looking for help. And we’re here to provide it.
We’re the Hyde Park Counseling Center, a residential facility located in sunny Tampa, Florida. We know that addictions can be treated with a positive outcome while a client at H.P.C.C.. We have helped many women suffering from chemical dependency and/or eating disorders achieve sobriety just by following our guidelines.
At Hyde Park Counseling Center our goals are to assist our client…
* in understanding her addiction process.
* to achieve abstinence and success in a program of recovery.
* as well as family members and significant others to recognize and understand the disease concept.
* to develop skills to support an abstinent lifestyle.
* to identify educational/vocational goals; as well as achieve and maintain them.
