Coastal Behavioral Healthcare - Juvenile Addictions Receiving Facility
Caring For Our Community
Serving Sarasota, Charlotte, DeSoto and Lee counties.
For more than 39 years, we have been "Caring for Our Community" by providing affordable quality behavioral healthcare services to children, adolescents, adults, seniors and their families who struggle with mental health and substance abuse issues.
While the job is never done, we succeed every time a family is reunited, a person with mental illness is stabilized and returns to work, or a child threatening suicide is saved. We celebrate every time an individual becomes a self-sufficient, productive and satisfied member of our community.
Coastal Behavioral Healthcare
Juvenile Addictions Receiving Facility
1451 10th St
Sarasota FL 34236
Tel: 941 364-9355
Fax: 941 954-0326
The Juvenile Addictions Receiving Facility (JARF) provides a safe environment for evaluation of an adolescent experiencing a substance abuse crisis. The JARF is a secure, medically supervised facility providing inpatient assessment, detoxification, stabilization, short-term (3-5 days) treatment and referral services for adolescents, ages 12-17. The program provides 24 hour, 7 day a week services for voluntary or involuntarily admitted clients. Involuntary clients must meet Marchman Act* criteria and can be admitted directly by a parent/guardian, law enforcement, physician’s certificate or court order.
Services Provided:
* Comprehensive Assessment
* Family Counseling
* Health Information and Life Skills
* Physician’s Examination
* Recommendation and Referral
* Structured Groups
* Urine Drug Testing
Once admitted into this program, the adolescent will be examined and evaluated by a psychiatrist or other qualified medical staff to determine the level of treatment needed to provide the necessary steps for recovery.
Plans for continuing care begin once an assessment is complete. At the time of discharge, referrals and recommendations for ongoing treatment will be provided. A recommendation for extended services may be made to ensure a successful recovery. In this situation, the Compass Center, a residential treatment program for adolescents, may be the appropriate environment for care.
